Triton Bay West Papua Diving Information

インドネシアの東端のニューギニア島の西パプアの南にあるインドネシア最東端のダイビングサイト。ラジャアンパットの玄関口のソロンからアクセスする。ダイビングクルーズはバンダ海南部のkei kecil 島のTual からアプローチする。

With 30 known dives sites around Triton Bay and possibly just as many yet to be discovered, below is a sneak peak at what you can expect to find here in Triton Bay. The better known of these sites were discovered by the Conservation International survey team in 2006, but there are a few that we like to think are known only to us! Indeed, the region is so rarely visited that we are still doing exploratory dives!

Triton Bay West Papua

Pygmy seahorses

Triton Bay Divers

トリトンベイダイバーズ To offial site
2015年にトリトンベイのAiduma 島にできたリゾート。バンガローは全部で6部屋。天候の関係で営業期間は10月から6月上旬までとなる。

Located approximately 30 nautical miles from the town of Kaimana in the Indonesian province of West Papua, previously known as Irian Jaya, on the western part of the island of New Guinea.Diving season starts in october and runs to early june. The resort closes the summer months from June to end of September due to weather .

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